sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008

Sugestões de leitura sobre amizade para os cientistas de plantão

Adams, G., Plaut, V. C. (2003). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: friendship in North America and West African worlds. Personal Relationship, 10 (3), 333-347.
Allan, G. (1998). Friendship and the private sphere. Em: R.G. Adams e G. Allan (org.). Placing friendship in context (pp. 71-91). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bertrera, E. M. (2005). Mental health in U.S. adults: the role of positive social support and social negativity in personal relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 22 (1), 33-48.
Chan, D.K-S., Cheng, G.H.L. (2004). A comparison of offline and online friendships qualities at different stages of relationship development. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21 (3), 305-320.
Feld, S., Carter, W.C. (1998). Foci of activity as changing contexts for friendship. Em: R.G. Adams e G. Allan (org). Placing friendship in context (pp. 136-152). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Garcia, A. (2005a). Relacionamento interpessoal: uma área de investigação. Em: A. Garcia (org.). Relacionamento interpessoal: olhares diversos (pp. 7-27). Vitória, ES: UFES/PPGP.
Garcia, A. (2006b). Personal relationships research in South America – An overview. Em: A. Garcia (org.). Personal relationships: international studies (pp. 78-97). Vitória, ES: UFES / Núcleo Interdisciplinar para o Estudo do Relacionamento Interpessoal.
Hinde, R. A. (1979). Towards Understanding Relationships. London: Academic Press.
Hinde, R. A. (1987). Individuals, Relationships and Culture: Links between Ethology and the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hinde, R.A. (1997), Relationships: a dialectical perspective. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
Hinde, R. A., Groebel, J.(Eds). (1991). Cooperation and Prosocial Behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
O’Connor, P. (1998). Women’s friendships in a post-modern world. Em: R.G. Adams e G. Allan (org.). Placing friendship in context (pp. 117-135). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pereira, F.N., Garcia, A. (2007). Amizade e escolha profissional: influência ou cooperação? Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional, 8(1), 71-86.
Schütze, Y. (1996). Relationships between adult children and their parents. Em: A.E. Auhagen e M. Von Salisch (org.) The diversity of human relationships (pp. 106-119). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Tsai, M.-C. (2006). Sociable resources and close relationships: intimate relatives and friends in Taiwan. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 23, (1), 151-169.

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